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Sboryanovo Treasure

     This amazing newly discovered golden treasure from the Thracian times can be seen in the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia. It was dug out of the ground on 07.11.2012 from a group headed by Ph.D. Diana Gergova in Sboryanovo – archaeological and historical reserve included in UNESCO World Heritage list. This find marks the 30th anniversary from the start of the excavations here. The research of Omurtag Mound, where the treasure was discovered, has started in the 1980s. Archeologists have uncovered here monumental tomb in Dorian style from the end of 4th - beginning of 3rd century BC. Long ago it has been destroyed by a strong earthquake, but the mound remained intact – even with today’s powerful machinery it was difficult to cut through its levels. That was the reason not to continue with excavations here throughout the previous 8 years. Only in 2012, archeologists received sponsorship large enough to hire the necessary machinery. On the third day of their excavations, more than 264 golden applications came to the surface, laid in small wooden chest. Their common weight was 1,8 kg. The discovery is unique – it has been placed in the upper layers of the mound, every layer of which has been piled up in connection with different rituals for the immortalization of the dead. In that aspect, the treasure is actually a funeral gift.

     There are two groups of gold applications in Sboryanovo Treasure: applications from a horse’s rein and abundant adornments. Among the latter, most beautiful is the diadem with reliefs of different animals and mythical beasts. There are four golden bracelets in the form of spirals, beautiful golden ring with relief image of Eros, huge amount of golden threads, miniature golden beads, adornment for clothing.

