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     The ancient Bulgarian town and world-famous spa resort of Hissar (9 308 inhabitants) is situated in the centre of Bulgaria, in the southern folds of Sredna Gora Mountain, 42 km north of Plovdiv and 167 km east of Sofia, close to the Valley of Roses. During the age of the Roman Empire, the town, called Augusta, was a wealthy healing centre with Emperor’s palaces, wide stone streets, marble baths, statues of Roman Gods and exuberant vegetation. Today Hissar is a modern spa resort that offers all facilities for balneotherapy. There are 22 mineral springs - 16 natural and 6 deeply drilled, with temperatures ranging from 37 to 51 degrees C. The mineral water is light, clear, colourless, and tasty. It is slightly mineralized. Hissar mineral water can be used both as drinking water and for prevention of many diseases. The unique bead belts from Momina Banja /Maidens bath/ neighbourhood in Hissar are very interesting. It takes about three months to make a one-meter long belt. The beads are sewn on one by one, day after day before the flowers of Thrace shine on the beautiful national costumes.

     During the age of the Roman Empire the town (called Augusta by the Romans) was a wealthy resort centre with Emperor’s palaces, wide stone streets, marble baths, a lot of statues of Roman Gods and luxuriant vegetation. After being burnt down by the Goths in the 3rd century, it was rebuilt in the beginning of the 4th century, this time with high defensive walls. During the 5th and the 6th centuries the town reached its zenith, being part of the Byzantine Empire. When the Turks invaded Bulgaria, the town put up a rugged resistance, for which it was annihilated and the population was massacred. It was in the 17th century when the Turks appreciated its natural assets and re-populated the ex-resort, giving its present name – Hissar (Fortress), because of the many fortress remains in it. 


     The climate is moderate continental, with mild and warm winter. The average annual snow cover is 12 days. Spring comes early, summer is temperately hot with an average month temperature of 22 degrees C. Autumn is warm and long lasting. Foggy weather is an exception. The raniest months are June and November. 

     Hissar Fortress has the shape of an irregular tetragon with an area of 300 decares. Its walls are some of the best preserved fortress defences in Bulgaria. You could enter the town through 4 gates, the main of which was the southern, called the Camels. Hissar tomb is a late Roman (4th century) family tomb, consisting of an overarched passage, a staircase and a burial chamber with colour frescoes and 4-colour-mosaic. Other interesting sites are: Archaelogical Museum, Banski buildings (baths), Old-Christian Basilicas (5th-6th BC.), the church-tomb from the 10th-12th century, the mosque in the western part of the town, Holy Mother of God Church in Momina Banya neighborhood, St. Dimitar Church in the Verigovo residential area, St. Pantheleimon Church, St. Petar and Pavel Church.

     Hissar has regular bus lines to Plovdiv, Karlovo, Panagyurishte.
     Surrounding Areas

     Hissar is a starting point of tourist trails through the Central Sredna Gora. From here there are marked tourist routes to the Orela Inn (5 h). From the Inn you can proceed to the Chivira Inn (3 h), Bogdan Inn (5 h), or you can climb the peaks Alexitza (1 h), Fenera (20 min), Kozya Gramada (20 min).