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Mobile Phones
There are three mobile operators: M-tel, GloBul and Vivatel, which cover most of the country. The network has a good coverage, especially the large towns and the resorts though do not expect coverage really high up in the mountains or in deep gullies. All the operators offer a prepaid card system - Prima (from M-tel) and B-connect (from GloBul) - which can be purchased from newspaper kiosks or mobile phone shops. On request, your operator will gladly give you information about phone calling from a mobile phone in Bulgaria.
Public Phones
One of the opportunities to make telephone calls is from the Post Offices. The other option is to use the street pay phones. The two types of street telephones are Bulfon (the orange ones) and Mobika (the blue ones). Phone cards can be bought from street kiosks, in the post offices and even at the cashier desks in some food stores in the smaller towns. They are suitable for international calls as well.
Internet access is extremely easy in the capital Sofia and the rest of the big cities in Bulgaria. There are internet cafes and clubs in many places in the central city areas. Almost all towns and some villages, though not many, have at least one Internet club and rates are exceptionally good. Large hotels and many of the newer private ones also offer Internet facilities. Most of the business hotels provide internet access in the rooms. There are many zones in Sofia's city centre with available free WiFi internet access.
The Central Post Office in Sofia (6, Gurko Str.) is open from Monday to Saturday, as its working time from Monday to Friday is from 8.00 am. to 8.00 pm. And on Saturday it is from 8.00 am. to 1.00 pm. In Sofia, international parcels can be sent from the Central Post Office.
Post offices can be found throughout the country, in most villages, towns and tourist resorts, though in small towns and villages opening times are sometimes unpredictable and many close for lunch. Stamps and post cards can be purchased in all the post offices throughout the country, as for stamps those could be the only places to find some.